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Burping Barry - Child's play
  • Burping Barry - Child's play
  • Burping Barry - Child's play
  • Burping Barry - Child's play

Burping Barry - Child's play

€14.95 Save 40.08%
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Feed Barry stinky food and he has to burp! If you're the one who makes him burp, you're finished! Can you dodge his reek?

Game description

Before the game starts, a little water must be put in Barry's ear via a small pipette, this creates the foul smell, otherwise the game will not work correctly. The chips are then placed upside down in the middle of the table.

The first player may now turn over a first chit and feed it to Barry. On the chip is a number; this is the number of times the pendulum must be turned. If Barry does not burp, it is the next player's turn. If Barry does burp, you are out and have lost!

Similar games

Goliath has other similar games to Farmer Barry, such as Robin Ratchet and Knoeipoes!

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